




The Mid-Ohio Valley Post Polio Support Group met at the facility of their sponsor, the Wood County Society, to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day and to listen a the recorded talk by neurologist, Dr. Frederick Boltz,  presented to the Boca Raton Post Polio Support Group. From left to right, modeling their Saint Patrick’s finery are Rick and Nancy Murphy, Warren Peascoe, Becky Greathouse, Judith Peascoe, Nyoka Brooks, and Patsy Johnson.










Meetings for 2024

Wood County Society has taken over arrangements for our meetings. 

Together with the Wood County Society, we scheduled the meetings for 2024. They will be held at noon on March 19, May 21, July 16, Sept. 17 and Nov. 19. Most will be at the Wood County Society Building.



WV SILC West Virginia Independence Network




 Next Meeting:

 Tuesday, July 16, 2024 





Hope everyone is well.

Warren and Nancey were getting set to remind people of the May meeting but then we thought we had better check with Brandon first to see if he had any plans or a time change.

Instead we got a tale of woe.

"At this time, we may need to postpone the May... due to damage to our building in the early part of April and a sewage backup during the torrential rains and flooding.”


So we have decided to cancel the meeting scheduled for May and resume meetings with the July 16 anniversary celebration.


If the Wood County Building is still unavailable, we will try to plan a picnic .


Please let us know how you are doing. Judy








Membership Contact Person:

Warren Peascoe
(304) 295-4233
E-Mail: movppsgcontact at suddenlink dot net
Nancy Murphy
(304) 615-6512 





Post-Polio Support Group tours nature trails

MOV Polio Support Group Visits Washington Works Nature Trails


Map and Info for visit to the Washington Works Nature Trails


Mid-Ohio Valley Post-Polio Support Group celebrates Anniversary


In Memory of Pauline Emily Monfreda



Ohio Polio Network Conference September 15, 2018 Mid-Ohio Valley Post-Polio Support Group 



MOVPPSG Meeting Photo February 13, 2017



Please make a note of the following upcoming Meeting/Event Dates:








Link to the Mid-Ohio Valley Post Polio Support Group Photos, History, and Stories Page




Polio Place - Mid-Ohio Valley Post-Polio Support Group of the Wood County Society


Disability Voter Registration Week Proclamation

(This PDF File may take a minute to downloadt Use the back arrow on your brwser to return to the OPN website)




We are taking advantage of the Wood County School calendar so that the luncheons will be cancelled if the school system closes due to inclement weather. 

Golden Corral

HealthSouth Western Hills Regional Rehabilitation Hospital

Vienna Public Library