This page provides links to Resourse websites containing information about Polio and Post-Polio. Please contact us if you find a site that should be added to the list.

Contact Us/ Request Information



National, International and Medical

Post-Polio Health International

Handbook on the Late Effects of Poliomyelitis for Physicians and Survivors (on-line)

Post-Polio Health International Resource Locator

Post-Polio Directory 2021

Post-Polio Health International Videos Youtube page

A Polio Survivor's Guide: Funding Resources for Medical & Adaptive Resources



TIRR Memorial Hermann Texas Medical Rehabilitaion and Research - Post-Polio Syndrome page

NINDS Post-Polio Syndrome Information

International Post-Polio Task Force

The International Rehabilitation Center for Polio at Spaulding Framingham MA

Polio Connection of America

Polio Survivors Association

PPSRL Post-Polio Internet Resources

The Post-Polio Institute

MedStar National Rehabilitation Hospital Post-Polio Program

Northeast Ohio Regional Spinal Cord Injury System

Post-Polio Syndrome Research and Treatment Center, Syracuse, NY


Clinical Trials

Clinical Trials Search Page

Postpoliomyelitis Syndrome



Post-Polio Health International Videos Youtube page

Shades of Grey Post Polio Syndrome

Polio Survivors - TV Interview for "On the Move"

The Polio Crusade Chapter 1

Tom House Presentation The healthy nervous system and the nervous system after an acute Polio illness with the after effects and the Post Polio Syndrome (PPS)(Video)

The Last Few Polio Survivors - Last of the Iron Lungs - video

Canton, NC the Rest of the Story: A Legacy of Overcoming the Odds - Polio Epidemic 1948-1952

VIDEO: A 1940s instructional video of Sister Elizabeth Kenny demonstrating her polio treatment technique.

Fundraising Organizations

Let us know if there are any web sites that you enjoy and we'll consider including them on this page!