Barberton Rotary and Akron Rotary 100th Anniversary events
Judi Jacobs and Bob Boyce were invited by Barberton Rotary to speak at their 100th Anniversary event on July 25th at Al’s Restaurant in Barberton. Bob and Judi spoke about their experiences with polio and Judi spoke about her time spent as a youngster at the Rotary Camp on Rex Lake in the late 1950’s. They are pictured below with incoming new Barberton Rotary President Dave Stephens.




Then the next day, July 26th, Bob, Judi and Jan Bachman were invited by Akron Rotary to come to the Rotary Camp at Rex Lake, which was also celebrating its 100th birthday. Akron Rotary were filming and conducting interviews with camp alumni from the past. Judi was interviewed about her camp experiences and both Judi and Jan were filmed reminiscing about the times they spent there, which is where Judi and Jan first met. The film and interviews will be screened at the camp Regatta event on September 28. We also hope that it will be available on YouTube and we’ll provide a link when it’s ready.



Polio in 1924 Akron Rotary Camp 21st Century

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