
    Brenda Ferguson

The Polio Post Editor


The Ohio Polio Network Newsletter, "The Polio Post" is published and distributed to members on a quarterly basis. All articles are due according to the following schedule:
Issue                                  Date Due
Spring                               March 1st
Summer                            June 1st
Fall                                    September 1st
Winter                              December 1st
To submit contributions to the newsletter, please send the information to:

Brenda Ferguson
71 Donze Ct.
Tallmadge, OH 44278
(330) 671-7103


Send an E-Mail to "The Polio Post" Editor




Alice Sporar Retires, Thank you Alice

 By Patrick Kelly, OPN President





Alice Sporar, editor of the Ohio Polio Network’s newsletter, The Polio Post, has retired after over 20 years of service.

We thank Alice Sporar for her dedicated service to the   members of the Ohio Polio Network.    Initially, Alice was part of a collaborated effort with Val Hill, Dave Livingston, and Joyce Metheny to publish the newsletter in Spring 2000.  Alice and Joyce became Co-editors in September 2001. After the tragic passing of Joyce Metheny, Alice Sporar volunteered to continue to serve as editor of the newsletter in Spring 2009.Alice has been the group leader/contact for OPN in the Greater Cleveland area for more than 20 years. Alice also organized and was the moderator for the 2003 Ohio Polio Network Conference in Westlake, OH. In 2018, Alice was the recipient of OPN’s Bernice Krumhansl Award for her  support in improving the lives of polio survivors and people with other disability issues. The OPN Board also honored Alice with OPN Life Membership for her service to the Ohio Polio Network.


Alice, a retired teacher, also served on the Board of Directors of  Linking Employment, Abilities and Potential (LEAP), a federally recognized Center for Independent Living (CIL) Alice was a charter member in 1968 and past President of the Northeast Ohio Chapter of the National Paraplegia Foundation (NPF). The NPF organization actively works towards creating accessibility in the city’s institutions and architecture.


We wish Alice the very best in her retirement.



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