by Brenda Ferguson 

Hope you were among us on Saturday, June 14th when we gathered and had a wonderful and very fun picnic together @ Erie Station Grill.  We had 50+ people picnicing  (ants not included)!  A few very special guests came to be with us as well...Ohio Polio Network's President, Pat Kelly and his wife, Janice and also someone very near and dear to our hearts, Winnie Walker, not to mention our members, their family and friends.  There were about a dozen last minute cancellations and also a few walk-in visitors, so all in all, a really great turnout and time had by everyone! 


The Sommers Family Band (with our own Nelson Sommers) played songs and sang for us -- what great music they provided for us -- thank you all, and Nelson especially!  His two daughters singing with him did a marvelous job! 


Marie Smith created some very entertaining games for us too (she's so good!).  We had the "Pie Contest" where we were given "clues" and had to think of the type of pie it was associated with...not as easy as it sounds!!  It was a hoot!!  A couple of examples: 

-- in low spirits and a fruit -- blueberry

-- a large tropical nut and a dairy product -- cocoanut cream

-- lift and opposite of out -- raisin


Then we had the "People Treasure Hunt" in which we had to find the following persons among us.  Again, more difficult than you would think!  A few examples:

-- A person whose birthday is in the same month a yours

-- Two persons who have the same kind of animal pet as you

-- Three persons who can roll their tongues (make them prove it!)


Erie Station once again served us a really great meal -- baked chicken, corn-on-the-cob, baked beans and cole slaw -- truly a scrumptious picnic!  A few chose to order off the menu for a lighter bite.  Thanks to everyone for all the delicious and yummy desserts you brought to share with everyone.  There was a little of everything on the dessert buffet table for us to enjoy - a real concoction of calories!


We had a great prize drawing too and everyone went home with a gift.  Lots of prizes and probably among the most popular -- gas cards!!


A big THANK YOU to each of you for coming out to make it such a fun and memorable day together and also to all who helped in some small way to organize and pull together a fantastic picnic for our group, including friends.  We missed those of you who weren't there with us...we're so blessed to have such a wonderful support group!!

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