The Honorable Senator Mitch McConnell




It is hard to believe. I never believed this day would come. A national conversation in the US regarding the credibility of the Polio Vaccine.


The Polio Vaccine has already been thoroughly and properly studied by scientists.


The CDC: “Two doses of inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) are 90% effective or more against paralytic polio; three doses are 99% to 100% effective.”


However, it appears like there are plans being discussed, in the coming year, to begin new studies of the Polio Vaccine and other vaccines to determine their association with Autism and Cancer, and the possibility of revoking the vaccines.


Extensive studies have already been completed and these concerns have been dismissed. If the FDA announces new studies, it will be dangerous. Parents will be fearful and delay or avoid having their children vaccinated.


I am extremely concerned that restudying vaccines that scientists have already proven to be safe will mean fewer vaccinations of children and polio making a return to the US.


My concern is firsthand. I am a polio survivor. I contracted polio before the polio vaccine was discovered. I am paraplegic and use a wheelchair.


As a polio survivor yourself, you know that those who contract this disease face the possibility of paralysis, need for an iron lung and even death. In addition, the long-term effects include post-polio syndrome.


Your public statement on the polio vaccine was excellent and the polio community is very grateful. I cannot tell how much the recent events have upset those who had polio. I am also thankful this was not in the not-too-distant future, when none of us would be here to warn others.


I urge you to continue supporting policies that prioritize vaccine education, accessibility, and funding for public health. It is also important to combat vaccine misinformation, which threatens the hard-won progress that has kept polio at bay. The polio vaccine is a triumph of science and crucial to protect the health of our children and grandchildren.


Thank you for your time and I am available to provide any additional information.


Patrick Kelly

Ohio Polio Network President